Call Ozdachs at 415.347.6479|

About Ozdachs

San Francisco Internet Marketer and web designer gets you on the Internet in a cost-effective, responsible way.

The Secret of Professional Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

I will call a potential client this afternoon who’s looking for help showing up in Google search results.  I started an outline of the conversation we’ll have,  and I am posting these secrets of the SEO trade so you — or your web designer — can also use them for your business.

First, Everything is Incremental. I am going to suggest a bunch of things you should do.  Each of them has some value.  But, there’s no one thing you can do to show up top in Google.  The good news is that if there is any step which you don’t want to do — or cannot do — don’t sweat it.  There’s no one thing that will keep you out of the top page of Google either.

Second, Search Engine Optimization is about marketing your business on the Internet. This means showing up on Google maps, video listings, and other top-of-the-heap results. Old-style SEO was designed to get your business’ web page on top of web page listings. But, nowadays maps, product prices, and YouTube links can show up above web page results. You want your business high on these new lists, too.

The main focus of most SEO professionals is the optimization of your web site pages to match the rules Google uses for page ranking. This is the most important action you can take to let Google know what your site is about, and we’ll talk about it.  However, tuning individual pages is probably only 50% of the battle.  So keep reading to find out what most amateurs leave out of their hit-and-run approach to SEO.

Tuning Your Web Page(s)

Editing your web pages so that Google knows what you’re selling is the first thing you should do.  It’s the action that will give you the biggest boost in results.

Your initial task is to identify the keyword phrases which people will search for when you want to pop up in Google.  You can effectively tune one web page for one phrase, so choosing the right words is important.  The selection of keywords is an art itself which I will talk about another time.

Once you have identified the keywords you want to compete for in Google, then you tune your home page for the most important phrase and tune other service/product pages for the other phrases you have identified.

What’s tuning? It’s simply placing the keyword phrase in various visible and invisible (HTML code) places on your page.  The keyword should lead the page title, top header, and initial text paragraphs.  The keyword should lead the descriptive tags for photographs. It should also start off the <meta> description that Google uses to describe the page in summary in its results lists.

Many people think that SEO is done when the pages are tuned for the keywords.  In fact, for many keyword phrases, proper tuning is all you need to do to show up high in Google’s results.  But, for competitive phrases — and to stay on top — there’s more work to be done.

What Google Likes

Google doesn’t share its ranking algorithm, but it does publish tips for webmasters.  The guidelines boil down to “have a well-structured and regularly maintained site with original, high-quality content”, in the wording Google uses in one of its tips.

There are some metrics which seem to please Google, resulting in higher placement for your pages and site.  Google likes sites that:

  • have at least 5 pages
    A couple products, “about us”, and “contact” page is the bare minimum
  • frequently update their pages
    Google rewards pages that are refreshed with new content.  They figure that updated pages are more useful to visitors.
  • slowly add content
    Adding a page or two every month shows Google that the site is active and of increasing value to web surfers

So, when planning a SEO campaign, we need to schedule updates and other actions which will show Google over time that your business is a serious player with valuable information for Google’s users.

Incoming Links

Google is impressed when your pages are pointed to by other sites.  The more quality sites point to you, the higher you’ll get in search results.  So, get links:

  • from authoritative sites like professional organizations, alumni associations, government licensing agencies, and other formal places.  Links to your site from sites that end in “.edu” or “.gov” are especially valuable.
  • from business associates
  • family sites, family blog, friends, anyone and everyone

Social Media

Making your site popular also means showing up in Facebook, Twitter, Buzz, and other social media spots.  Not only will people discover your business on these sites, Google will see the links on these sites that go to your main site.  This will tell Google that there’s buzz about you, too.


Blogs like this Dangerous Common Sense blog serve two purposes:  they spread your name on the Internet as an expert, and your links from your blog to your main site add to your main site’s perceived popularity in Google.  Regular blogging will boost your visibility and perceived value!

Maps and Other Media

Search Engine result pages for businesses now show maps and information from videos and other non-text media when you search for some phrases. When we searched for “San Francisco CPA” here’s what we got back this afternoon:

Google Results for "San Francisco CPA"

Google Results for "San Francisco CPA"

The lesson is that when you optimize your site for search traffic, also grab your business location listing in Google and Bing. Be sure to enter your telephone number so that it’s clickable on smart phones.

No Voodoo Needed!

I have fielded calls for my clients from a lot of fast-talking Search Engine Optimization marketers who lace their spiels with confusing techo-babble.  I think they’re trying to use shock and awe on traditional business people.  Don’t fall for it.

Follow the steps I’ve listed above, and you’ll do as well as any professional SEO service.  Of course, you may not have the time or energy to do these things yourself, and hiring a professional is a good idea.  I think you should hire me!

Whomever you engage, make sure that they are ready to do all of the actions I’ve talked about. Tuning, in-coming link gathering, on-going page changes, web site additions, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and business center listings are all important, incremental actions you can take to gain business from the Internet.

By |2010-06-30T12:48:19-07:00June 30th, 2010|Search Engine Optimization|1 Comment

Worst Marketing Mailer… Ever!

Cigarette Lighter Sent in Marketing Letter

Cigarette Lighter Sent in Marketing Letter

Last week I opened a letter from a business acquaintance who has put me on his mailing list. The envelope had a lump in it, and I expected a pen to fall out.

Nope. No pen.

This mortgage broker sent through the mail a cigarette lighter with his logo and business name on it.

The lighter fell on my kitchen counter when I opened the envelope, and I jumped in surprise. It wasn’t a good surprise. It was a surprise of horror.

I didn’t think of “Oh boy! What a great guy to send me a lighter for my cigarettes.” I thought, “Isn’t it illegal to send flammable material through the mail? How can I get rid of this without starting a fire? Does he think I smoke? Who uses lighters?”… and on and on and on.

In fact, I am still angry at having something vaguely dangerous and completely useless to me come through my mail slot.

Mortgage Broker Letter

Mortgage Broker Letter

The copy in his letter was strained, too.

He started off talking about a Spanish town where people die of alcohol poisoning and getting gored by bulls. The letter laments that such civic celebration would not be allowed in the US because of prudish politicians, lawyers, and <giggle> “Mothers Against Amateur Drunken Bullfighting”  .

And, the connection with the enclosed lighter? (Well, if you follow the narrative, the closest thing in the US to having people die in drunken bull fights is Fourth of July fireworks. And, fireworks need to be lit.  And, he’s giving you something to “… to crack open a beer and set something on fire for the 4th of July“.)

My mind struggled to make this letter a rational business tool.

On the plus side, it did get noticed.

But, but, but…

Seriously?  This gift and the stories in the mailing are supposed to make me trust this man with my financial arrangements for a new home?

What makes the scenario worse is that I know that before resuming his mortgage brokering, this man sold insurance for a couple of years.  In my mind I can see his lighter burning down a house which was insured by a policy he wrote.  And, have no fear, as a mortgage broker this Reconnaissance man can now help you finance a new, unburned home.

Ranting aside, the letter and “gift” are great examples of what not to do:

  • Don’t send dangerous materials in the US mail.
  • Don’t send out things that assume that your clients have socially unpopular vices (“bad habits”) like smoking.  My reaction was, “Do I look like a smoker to you?”  But, I think even smokers would be put off and think that their weakness was being pandered to.  In any event, sending a neutral gift would have avoided any potential of negative reactions. (Smokers –> am I right about this??)
  • Don’t make fun of people dying for your commerical purposes.  Violent deaths in particular don’t sell soap.
  • Don’t write smirking, cleaver text.  The humor usually doesn’t translate outside of your office.  Snarky comments don’t sell soap, either.

I am still shaking my head over this mailing.  Have you ever received anything worse?

By |2010-06-30T14:08:15-07:00June 22nd, 2010|Marketing|1 Comment

Don’t Get Tangled Up in the Web

I’m co-presenting a free seminar, Don’t Get Tangled Up in the Web, at the Small Business Administration on Market Street in San Francisco Thursday night.

Another SF web designer and I are going to go through the common questions that new clients come to us with. The blurb says we’re talking about: “how to develop and maintain your business’ home on the Internet. Why should you be on the Internet? How do you get there cost effectively? A non-technical discussion facilitated by two industry professionals give you the answers and tell you how to avoid common problems and pitfalls.”

It should be a good chance for people to feel more comfortable about what they want from their business’ web site. And, it’s free!

But, I might use the SBA site as an example of what not to do for your own site. They make it really difficult to link directly to the seminars. When you go to the SBA site, find the calendar of classes, and find the one you want, you cannot then copy the URL of the page you’re looking at and share that link with your friends. The calendar link is and that address doesn’t change in your browser when you look at an individual class.

So, if you share the address of the page you think you’re viewing, your friends will be taken to the generic calendar page. They’ll have to find your seminar on the calendar, and there are a hundred other events competing for their attention.

The direct link to the seminar information is for the page at Whew!

You only see the true page location if you right-click on the link on the SBA calendar page and copy the link location to your computer.

This is a pretty good example of getting tangled up in the web! The SBA isn’t making it easy for its clients to get and share information on its site.

Something we can talk more about Thursday, so come on down!

By |2010-06-14T08:54:52-07:00June 14th, 2010|Web Design|0 Comments

iPhone Backup Slowness Fixed

My iPhone 3GS backups had become incredibly slow, taking over 10 minutes on a fast computer. The backups and syncs were almost instantaneous when I first plugged in my iPhone, and the problem was vexing because my configuration, apps, and general information hadn’t changed.

I looked on the Internet and found several false leads. The most promising-sounding — but absolutely worthless in real life — was the suggestion to delete the old backups which were probably corrupt. I spent minutes in iTunes discovering where the “delete the backups” function was, and then discovered no speed improvement.

I finally found the answer to solve the slow iPhone backups on the Apple site that worked for me: delete the photographs and videos in the “Camera Roll”. You can download the photos and videos from the iPhone to your PC (copy them using Windows Explorer if you’re on a Windows machine). Then delete them from the iPhone… I did the delete in a Windows Explorer window while my phone was connected.  Now the iPhone backs up and syncs in under a minute.

If you’re having problems with slow backups try copying and then deleting your camera roll. Having photos in other folders seems not to affect the speed.

And, I linked above to Apple’s answer to help it rise in Google search results.  If I saw the right 2010 answer earlier, I would have saved time and angst!

By |2010-06-08T14:07:47-07:00June 8th, 2010|Computers and Hardware|0 Comments

Another Hit Against Flash

I am in the process of switching to my first new computer in five years, a Dell which runs a 64-bit version of Windows 7.  Surprisingly, I have had few troubles transferring programs and setting myself up.  I see noticeable speed improvements, especially when I use 64-bit applications that are designed to work with the expanded addressing of the new system.

One problem:

I cannot use the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer 8 to surf unfettered through the Internet.  There is no 64-bit version of Adobe’s Flash player, so no Flash content can be displayed on this latest, fastest version of Microsoft’s browser.  Here’s what I see when I go to YouTube — which displays its movies using Flash — and click to see a video:

YouTube Flash error message

YouTube's Flash Videos are Inaccessible on 64-bit IE8

I am told that I “need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player”.  A quick surf around the Internet shows that I cannot upgrade my Flash player because Adobe does not support 64-bit browsers.  Adobe itself says, “The underlying reason for this problem is compatibility. To use Flash Player to view Flash content on a 64-bit operating system, you need a 32-bit browser.” from

I was stunned. Adobe itself recently released a 64-bit version of its Creative Suite programs (CS5), but it didn’t/hasn’t yet bothered to support 64-bit versions of web browsers so that web visitors can see the handiwork of Adobe’s own Flash developer clients? Seriously?

No doubt I am way behind the early adapters in pointing out this lapse in Adobe product development and support. But, as a web developer, Adobe’s late-to-the-party inability to run Flash Player with a 64-bit browser reconfirms my belief that Flash should be avoided in most web pages.

Any business looking to make their site visible to the most number of people should hesitate before using Flash!

By |2010-06-05T13:46:51-07:00June 7th, 2010|Web Design|0 Comments
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